Q1. Name & role
A1. Joseph Lewis, Executive Committee Member, Captain for District 6
Q2. When & why did you become involved with the WCDP?
A2. I have been on the Executive committee since about 2012. I attended a March reorganization meeting and basically ran for the Exec. Committee due to the need for a representative in the Brentwood district. I was also moved to run for office due to the low number of minorities who were active. I am a Black male originally from Clarksville, TN. I left Clarksville in 1969 after college and lived in many states in my career. I returned to TN in 2010 after retiring and was concerned about the lack of representation for Democrats in the county and state.
Q3. What are the responsibilities of your role? If you were describing it for a volunteer so they know what to expect if they step up, what would you tell them?
A3. I see the main responsibility for my position is to represent the district and try to be visible to other Democrats in Brentwood area. Support the county community and do what I can to highlight Democrats. Serve on committees to help implement their agenda.
Q4. What is your day job/other volunteer work/family responsibilities, to give folks a sense of time management?
A4. I am retired but I still buy and sell real estate on the part-time and own rentals in other areas. I am the president of my HOA. I am a church deacon and very active in the teaching ministry of my church. I am the president of my High School Alumni Class. President of my Family Reunion group which is large, over 300 members. I am president of my family Investment Club. And I support local, State and National Democratic candidates.
Q5. How much time per week do you spend helping the WCDP? Are there any issues balancing responsibilities that we could work on as an organization?
A5. At this point I am spending less time than in earlier years. Being very involved in other organizations also takes away from WCDP. It has been disappointing to see many good workers in the party over the years step away and become inactive. I am happy to see new members joining but the lack of experience and history of the county does cause a knowledge gap.
Q6. What do you enjoy most about your role/involvement with the WCDP?
A6. I enjoy seeing the name of the WCDP still being upheld; at one time we had the most active County party in the Congressional district. We are the minority party in Williamson Cty but we are slowly making progress as new families move in from other states.
Q7. What is your vision for the WCDP in the next 2 years?
A7. We need to stabilize our membership and officers. Stay visible and do fundraisers to help us support good candidates. It is good to go to the polls and have a Democrat on the ballot.
Q8. Who is your favorite (TN) Democrat or political role model?
A8. I look more to the National Office holders as President Biden, V.P. Harris and others in the house and senate who stand up and work for the working class American.