Q1. Name & role
A1. Mandy Brown, co-volunteer coordinator
Q2. When & why did you become involved with the WCDP?
A2. I became involved with WCDP around the beginning of the pandemic as a way to connect with like minded people and to find hope in the community and the future again after so many unknowns. I had a phone conversation with Kelly Baker and became a district captain and have been hooked since then!
Q3. What are the responsibilities of your role? If you were describing it for a volunteer so they know what to expect if they step up, what would you tell them?
A3. Kristy (the other volunteer coordinator) and I answer emails, coordinate and man WCDP booths at community events, engage volunteers in the community to find the way that they might best help the WCDP, register voters and organize voter registration events, attend monthly exec committee meetings, organize volunteers for sign deliveries and campaign responsibilities, etc.
Q4. What is your day job/other volunteer work/family responsibilities, to give folks a sense of time management?
A4. I am primarily a stay at home mom to a 7 year old, 4 year old and 2 month old and spend a lot of time with my parents who live a street over. I teach a class or two every spring in Belmont's OT weekend masters program and am very involved in my kids' schools.
Q5. How much time per week do you spend helping the WCDP? Are there any issues balancing responsibilities that we could work on as an organization?
A5. The amount of time spent weekly really depends on the time of year and whether or not it's an election year. National and local election years tend to be much busier and then we often have much slower months around the holidays and directly following elections where we focus on strategic planning, answering emails and voter registration drive planning.
Q6. What do you enjoy most about your role/involvement with the WCDP?
A6. I love meeting like minded people and making a difference in our community. Sometimes it's as simple as letting people know that they aren't alone in their beliefs and goals in Williamson County!
Q7. What is your vision for the WCDP in the next 2 years?
A7. I envision the WCDP continuing to gain momentum and to have a larger base of consistent volunteers wanting to get the work done in the county.
Q8. Who is your favorite Democrat or political role model?
A8. My favorites are Courtenay Rogers, Jenn Foley, and the many other local Democrats who ran honest, kind and passionate campaigns locally in a political climate that has not been kind to Democrats.