Statement from the TNDP on Gun Violence

For Immediate Release
August 17, 2023

Tennessee Democratic Party
4900 Centennial Blvd., Suite 300
Nashville, TN 37209
Office: (615) 327-9779
[email protected]

Tennessee Democratic Party Approves Resolution Supporting
the Upcoming Special Legislative Session on Gun Violence


Today, the Tennessee Democratic Party’s State Executive Committee approved a resolution supporting the call for a Special Legislative Session to address gun violence.


"Democrats stand with the majority of Tennesseans who want to see common sense gun reforms passed in the Tennessee General Assembly. Next week, we will know if the Republican super majority will finally listen to the majority of Tennesseans or if they will continue to block these reforms to appease a vocal minority.” - Jordan Wilkins, State Executive Committeeman (TDCCA)

“In Tennessee, we are facing a gun addiction that has had deadly consequences across our state. We believe that we can both protect the 2nd Amendment rights of every citizen while also passing legislation to protect every citizen from reckless gun violence. Elected Republican legislators have decided that the lives of our citizens are not as important as the demands of gun lobbyists. We hope that this session will begin to change that. ” - Hendrell Remus, TNDP Chair


About TNDP
The Tennessee Democratic Party fights for an economy that puts working people first. We believe in a Tennessee where everyone gets a fair shot — a Tennessee where all of us can thrive


WHEREAS, the Tennessee Democratic Party Executive Committee recognizes gun
violence is now the leading cause of death in children and teens in Tennessee; and

WHEREAS, Tennessee ranks 11th in the nation in gun violence deaths; and

WHEREAS, Tennessee ranks 13th in the nation in gun homicides and gun assaults; and

WHEREAS, Tennessee ranks 1st in the nation for gun thefts; and

WHEREAS, Tennessee ranks 45th in the nation for access to mental health care; and

WHEREAS, Tennessee ranks 32nd in the nation in gun law strength; and

WHEREAS, each year, more than twelve hundred deaths in Tennessee are attributed to
guns; and

WHEREAS, there have been more than fifty mass shootings in Tennessee in this decade
alone; and

WHEREAS, since the terrible events that took place at The Covenant School in Nashville
on March 27, 2023, that left three children and three adults dead have brought a renewed
focus on the safety of children both at home and at school; and

WHEREAS, Tennessee Governor Bill Lee has called for a special Legislative Session to
begin on August 21, 2023; and

WHEREAS, The Governor’s Proclamation is limited in scope of legislation and does not
go far enough to address the need for substantive policies to better protect our children;

WHEREAS, Tennessee’s gun laws are weak and gun death rate is high, therefore
Tennessee’s gun laws fail to provide for the temporary confiscation of firearms from
individuals who may be a serious threat to themselves or others; and

WHEREAS, Order of Protection Laws also known as “Red Flag Laws”, allow law
enforcement or family members to petition a court to temporarily remove firearms from
individuals who are deemed to pose a significant risk of harm to themselves or others.
These laws enable the temporary removal of firearms from individuals who may be in
crisis, such as exhibiting signs of mental illness, violence, or dangerous behavior. Order of
Protection Laws are designed to prevent individuals who are at risk of harming themselves
or others from accessing firearms, thus reducing the risk of gun-related tragedies, while
ensuring due process; and

WHEREAS, Safe Storage Laws, require gun owners to securely store their firearms in gun
safes, lockboxes, or trigger locks when not in use in order to prevent theft or unauthorized
access to firearms, particularly by minors, and others who are or should be denied access
to firearms. Safe storage laws promote responsible gun ownership preventing theft,
accidents, and misuse; and

WHEREAS, the adoption of Orders of Protection and Safe Storage Laws can be effective
strategies to address gun violence by reducing access to firearms in high-risk situations and
by promoting responsible firearm storage practices;

NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Tennessee Democratic Party
Executive Committee wishes to recognize that gun violence is a public health emergency;

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tennessee Democratic Party Executive
Committee strongly supports the call for a Special Legislative Session to address gun
violence; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tennessee Democratic Party Executive
Committee is vehemently opposed to any efforts to use the Special Legislative Session to
pass harmful legislation that will criminalize juveniles; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tennessee Democratic Party Executive
Committee stands with the majority of Tennesseans who support these common sense gun
measures and who want to see these measures passed in the upcoming special session; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Tennessee Democratic Party Executive
Committee requests that the Tennessee Legislature and Governor propose or support bills
that will reduce the occurrence of gun violence in our state and to protect the children of
the state; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that by adopting this resolution the Tennessee
Democratic Party Executive Committee is demonstrating a commitment to protect the
safety of children and is addressing the issue of gun violence in our communities and our
state; and

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that a copy of this resolution be sent to major statewide
news outlets, Democratic Party County Chairs, the Governor’s office, and leadership in the
Tennessee Senate and Tennessee House of Representatives; and

BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED, by the Tennessee Democratic Party Executive
Committee, that this resolution shall be in full force and effect from and after its passage.

Enacted this 17th day of August, 2023.