
Our standing committees help accomplish the Party's mission to elect Democratic candidates in Williamson County.  We would love for you to become involved!  If you are interested, read through the committee descriptions and click the links to sign up for a specific role. Whether you have an hour a week or an hour each month to volunteer, we will find a role for you. 


Candidate Recruitment & Support

Our Candidate Recruitment & Support Committee is probably the most important committee in our Party. They recruit high quality Democratic candidates to run for local and state government elections. They support these candidates through door knocking, phone banking and texting, postcard writing and more. 

Sign up here

Communications & Marketing

The Communications & Marketing Committee pushes out all the communications and branding from the party. They assist with emails (e-newlsetters), social media content, press releases, Letters to the Editor, paid advertising, mailers and more.

Sign up here


The Data Committee supports all of our committees by maintaining our various databases and our website. They will cross-reference our databases to build lists of supporters for canvassing, fundraising, and Get Out the Vote efforts. They also monitor our social media and website analytics and oversee cybersecurity for the party. 

Sign up here


The Diversity Committee connects WCDP to like-minded groups and community partners. We focus on supporting and serving communities of color through voter registration, volunteer support at events, and connecting with LGBTQ and different faith communities. Our goal is to ensure all diverse voices and perspectives are valued and included in Wiliamson County. 

Sign up here


The Fundraising Committee works to ensure WCDP has the financial resources it needs to grow the Democratic base in Williamson County and win elections. Through fundraising emails, calls, personal letters and special events, this committee raises funds to support Democratic candidates running for local office.

Sign up here


The Legislative Committee follows each TN legislative session, sharing with WCDP the bills in committee and those passed and signed into law that Tennesseans need to be aware of. They let us know when to specifically write and call legislators and host events to educate residents on current bills and how they move through the legislature.

Sign up here


The Outreach Committee is about growing our party. They host events that bring people into our membership with the idea of building the party, increasing volunteers, and reaching potential voters and donors. They coordinate many of our voter registration efforts, table at events (like the county fair), and engage new members/sign-ups to the party.

Sign up here

Want to help, but not sure how?

Fill out this form and our Volunteer Coordinator will get in touch with you.