Q1. Name & role
A1. Vilma Cueva, Captain for District 3
Q2. When & why did you become involved with the WCDP?
A2. I became involved right after I heard OBAMA's first speech before his first term for President.
Q3. What are the responsibilities of your role? If you were describing it for a volunteer so they know what to expect if they step up, what would you tell them?
A3. District Captain: As a bilingual member I am a direct liaison with the Hispanic community in Williamson County; at the Christian Churches, local business, at Hispanic public events and via social media.
Q4. What is your day job/other volunteer work/family responsibilities, to give folks a sense of time management?
A4. I work from Saturday to Thursday in Brentwood, attend church and spend time with my four grandchildren.
Q5. How much time per week do you spend helping the WCDP? Are there any issues balancing responsibilities that we could work on as an organization?
A5. I engage with people anytime, all the time.
Q6. What do you enjoy most about your role/involvement with the WCDP?
A6. I love to meet new people to share local, state and national information about the Democratic Party.
Q7. What is your vision for the WCDP in the next 2 years?
A7. I would like to see more committed members that want to bring new ideas; to become more effective electing new candidates at local, state and national level.
Q8. Who is your favorite Democrat or political role model?
A8. Obama, Biden, Hillary Clinton.