• Role Description: The smaller house of Tennessee’s bicameral legislature is the Senate, which is made up of 33 state senators who represent each of the state’s 33 senatorial districts. Each senator plays a role in the process of lawmaking and adopting resolutions regarding virtually any issue concerning the state, country or world community. Senators are elected to four-year terms, with those from even-numbered districts being elected in the same general election, and those representing odd-numbered districts being elected two years later
  • Incumbent: Jack Johnson (District 27, elected in 2006)
  • Qualifications: US citizen, at least 30 years old, a state resident for three years and a resident of the district in which he/she is elected for one year immediately preceding his/her election.
  • Time Commitment (full- or part-time): Part-time
  • Salary/Stipend: $24,316

Election Information

  • Primary Election (Voters will choose a Democratic or Republican ballot): August 4, 2022
  • General Election: November 8, 2022
  • Candidates

Democratic Candidate

No Candidates Qualified

Republican Candidate

Jack Johnson