The Williamson County Board of Commissioners is the legislative body of the county government and the primary policy-making body in the county. The Commissioners oversee the departments of the county government, set the budget and serve on committees as appointed by the County Mayor. The County Commission consists of 24 elected members, two from each of the 12 voting districts, each of whom serves a four-year term in office.
- Incumbents: A list of all 24 current members can be found here.
- Qualifications: Resident of Williamson County
- Time Commitment (full- or part-time): Part-Time
- Salary/Stipend: $600/month
Election Information
- Primary Election: May 3, 2022. Voters can select the Democratic or Republican primary ballot. Two candidates from each political party advance to General Election
- General Election: August 4, 2022. Voters choose 2 Commissioners for their county district
- Candidates:
District 1
LaRhonda Williams (Democrat)
Ricky D Jones (Republican)
Lisa Lenox (Republican)
District 2
Judy Lunch Herbert (Republican)
Elizabeth C "Betsy" Hester (Republican)
District 3
Matthew Harakas (Democrat)
Jeff Graves (Republican)
Jennifer Moore Mason (Republican)
Daniel T Jordan (Independent)
District 4
Gregg B. Lawrence (Republican)
Peter Stresser (Republican)
Tom Atema (Independent)
District 5
Greg Sanford (Republican)
Mary Smith (Republican)
H Evan Bledsoe (Independent)
Michael B Gallik (Independent)
District 6
Erin Nations (Republican)
Paul L Webb (Republican)
District 7
Bert Chalfant (Republican)
Tom Tunnicliffe (Republican)
District 8
Barb Sturgeon (Republican)
Drew Torres (Republican)
District 9
Chas Morton (Republican)
Matt Williams (Republican)
District 10
Courtenay Rogers (Democrat)
Kenneth Townsend (Democrat)
Meghan Guffee (Republican)
David Landrum (Republican)
District 11
Johnna D Carter-Haynes (Democrat)
Sean R Aiello (Republican)
Brian Bethard (Republican)
District 12
Erin Crawford (Democrat)
Brian Clifford (Republican)
Steve Smith (Republican)